
My Mission

I am going to share my experiences and joys in life and what I love.

Why create a blog you say. The main reason for this blog is to take back charge of my life! I am done with letting time just pass me by. And well now, I am ready to try new foods, adventures and things that are exciting, new and profound. I would always tell myself I will do this and that this year and somehow it just ended on the back burner. My 9-6 job consumed my life. To be totally honest, it was more than 8 hrs a day, especially once COVID came around but I try not to focus on that now.

That work life balance people always toot about is actually hard to put into affect when you are working from home. No actual separation, which sucked. During this timeframe I realized I didn’t have anything to call my own. All my energy was being fueled into something that wasn’t my passion. That’s when I realized I needed to change some things in my life. To live for myself.

My Vision

I think I speak volume when I say that 2020 has made me reevaluate my life. So here I am starting this blog to spark energy and ignite energy in others to do the same. Whether it is to go out of my comfort zone and try something new, go to an exciting place, be active, immerse and introduce my palette to different worlds or take on a new hobby. I’m ready! I’m ready for something new that doesn’t confine me to the four walls of my bedroom and working from home on my computer. And if you are reading this and want to do them same, let do it together!

Life should be full of memories! Surrounded by joy, laughter and people even though the people part is hard at this particular moment. Regardless, I am ready to spark some sort of fire and live how I always dreamed. Enough of putting things off.

Time to live now as time waits for no one!